Jewelry Baby Ponies

     The Jewelry Baby Ponies resemble the first US set of Princess Ponies, as they have metallic tinsel in their manes and tails, and symbols displaying large jewels in various settings. Unlike the Princess Ponies, however, the Jewelry Babies have flat printed symbols, not raised plastic gems. All of the Jewelry Baby Ponies are earth ponies with solid-colored hair similar to the colors of their bodies. One pony, Baby Sapphire, was printed in a rare pose which was never used in the US.

Baby Ruby
*Photo by Ponyland Press*

     Baby Ruby is a pink baby earth pony with yellow eyes. Her hair is red with strands of gold metallic tinsel. Her symbol is a red gem in a decorative gold setting. She is in the Baby Ember Pose.

Baby Sapphire
*Photo by eBay seller Babyyumyum. Used with permission.*

     Baby Sapphire is a blue baby earth pony with purple eyes. Her hair is blue with strands of silver metallic tinsel. Her symbol is a blue gem in a teardrop-shaped gold setting. She is in a unique pose that was used only ever used for three baby ponies, two of them UK and one Dutch: Baby Lollipop, Baby Sapphire, and the Dutch Flower Pony.

Baby Diamond
*Photo by eBay seller Babyyumyum. Used with permission.*

     Baby Diamond is a white baby earth pony with purple eyes. Her hair is white with strands of silver metallic tinsel. Her symbol is a pentagonal diamond in a pink flower-shaped setting. She is in the Baby Blossom Pose.

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